Hi guys,
I am gradually settling into a routine at my new job. This past week was my first full week at work. Yesterday Friday I worked hard and ended the week exhausted. Afterward I went to a social gathering which lasted until 9 p.m. Then I came home, did my weekly laundry, and went to bed around midnight. But I woke up feeling horny and slipped on one of my old BIKE CUP No. 85 jock units and then slept like a baby :-) More about this later.
One of the most common slang terms for penis is schlong. I may have said in an earlier blog post that schlong is derived from the German word Schlange which means snake. Perhaps the word serpent would be more evocative. Humans have a primordial dread of snakes, serpents the idea of which is rooted in our primitive consciousness. This adversion of humans and snakes is encapsulated in Genesis 3:15: "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel." Here God speaks prophetically to the Serpent in the Garden of Eden about descendants of Eve and their fear and adversion of snakes. Of course, people think of cobras and rattlesnakes which are deadly creatures.
The holy myth of the Fall of Mankind from grace in the Garden of Eden was that the Serpent seduced Eve who encouraged Adam to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. I think at the heart of all of this is sexual knowledge which generally produces in humans shame and guilt. Humans from an early age are raised to cover their private parts, their sexual organs, which is the beginning of dress. Humans from the very beginning of civilization have dressed themselves modestly. Proper dress in most societies is an absolute necessary to proper social intercourse. In most societies, this is mandated in laws. Hence in most cases nudity in public is a misdemeanor.
But I really think, and I am sure many who read this blog will agree with me, that the human penis closely represents a snake, a serpent. Circumcision, the cutting around and away of the foreskin from the glans, makes this appearance even much more so. Circumcision as it has been practiced in modern times, certainly the nineteenth century onwards as a medical, hygienic procedure, certainly here in the USA, makes for a "clean-cut" look. The "clean-cut" look also rose in the nineteenth century here for short haircuts and a general absence of facial hair among males. Of course, guys have worn beards, goatees, and moustaches since then. But certainly the "preppy" look is among many college guys 'de rigor' and is carried on into their old age. Generally many "preppy" guys here in the USA will also have the "clean-cut" look in their nicely circumcised penises. Yet, many guys from their college days become hirsute, hairy in their appearance. They develop during the young adult years hairy chests, hairy abs, hairy thighs, hairy legs and arms, even hairy shoulders and backs. Such maturation is only natural in many males. Quite a few guys, along with growing thick 'staches, beards, and goattees also grow thick pubic bushes. But rising proudly from the thicket of their pubes is a clean-cut, circumcised penis!
I go for burly guys even those who have the appearance of bears, but I want my guys to be cut.
I believe that C.G. Jung in his psychoanalytic writings stated that the Serpent brought knowledge to mankind. He derived this idea from Gnostic writings. Of course, 'gnosis' means knowledge in the Greek. Most males from their early childhood, and perhaps even quite a few females, discover a sexual knowledge in their very being, even consciousness. For most males, this knowledge comes from their touching 'down there'. This touching unlocks exquisite knowledge of pleasure in their bodies. Such pleasure is at the root of masturbation which for most males, (perhaps quite a few females), is itself a masterful teacher. Children who are ever inquisitive most always ask the question where do babies come from. Most parents even today are too ashamed, even afraid, to answer their questions and give the 'facts of life'. Such attitudes instill in many children feelings of shame and guilt. So many children find out for themselves. They are aided in their quest by the modern media of TV, radio, movies, and the Internet. The next step for quite a few children is sexual exploration with each other. It is interesting to note that many children enter puberty at ages earlier than ever before. So sexual promiscuity among many youth also begins at an earlier age, even earlier than traditional teenage years. So here in the USA, many local jurisdictions in their public schools have instituted sex education classes. But many parents are opposed to such classes. This is most unfortunate. It is also too late in that even children are contracting STD's, such as HIV/AIDS at an earlier age!
Sorry for such a long-winded diversion in the above paragraph! It is only a description of the natural course for the thirst of 'knowledge' and well-meaning attempts to resist such 'knowledge'. Of course, I am speaking of 'sexual knowledge'. But just look at any circumcised penis, either in its flaccid and erect states. The male copulatory organ has a shaft, capped by a glans, or cockhead. It bears a resemblance to pit vipers, such as one may see in a rattlesnake, or a copperhead, or a water moccasin, or a Gabon pit viper. Hence the penis for many people is a mysterious organ, even an organ of danger. But the male penis brings knowledge, that of pleasure and even 'life-generation' [hence genital] to its owner and the one he shares it with in sexual intercourse.
Early Saturday afternoon, January 24, 2009. Gee, it's hard to believe that I left this blog post incomplete two weeks ago. I got sidetracked first with some errands I had to run that day, then days of hard work and adjustment in my new job. Most evenings I'd come home not exhausted, but all the same would go to bed late evenings and get up at 7 a.m. the next morning to get ready for another day's work. Plus we have had weeks of bitter cold since mid November, the coldest winter we have had in ten years. Then came the Inauguration last weekend and I was distracted by that. Right below I am posting a beautiful pic of the Capitol West Front against a black angry sky of a retreating thunderstorm:
I conclude my discourse on sexual knowledge with the following comments. Sexual knowledge is communicated ideally through consenting adults and is loving and responsible. So both partners should be armed with the facts of life, especially the knowledge that protects the health of the partner in this age of sexually transmitted diseases.
I end with a running commentary of the beautifully circumcised penis pics of a young guy posted by Brett from New Hampshire who posts on Yahoo Circumcised Guys. The guy pictured probably college aged and is wonderfully wellhung. His penis is rather thick and has a jagged circumcision scar. I would love seeing him masturbating his tool or being on the receiving end of his procreative organ. I love the curvature of his erect cock and the shape of his fat glans penis. Enjoy!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Rod Spunkel, Circed All American Stud
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Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy Belated "Feast of the Circumcision" Greetings
Hi guys,
This is my very first post of the New Year, 2009. Happy belated Feast of the Circumcision greetings to all of you! I wanted to blog some yesterday, but I felt run down, actually chilled to the bone. New Year's Eve late morning an Alberta clipper passed through ushering in cold temperatures and blustery winds. I had to work at my new job until 7:30 p.m. then and afterwards endure an absolutely cold walk home encountering wind gusts all the way. New Year's Eve afternoon and last night somehow the radiators in my apartment could not counter the chilling cold. So I went to bed early as a way of generating some heat.
New Year's Day, seven days following Christmas, has been celebrated traditionally as the Feast of the Circumcision in the Western Churches. Since Vatican II, it has been celebrated as the Feast of the Holy Name in the churches of the Anglican Communion and the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God in the Roman Catholic Church.
Somehow throughout much of my life, I welcome the New Year in quiet fashion, often going to bed before it arrives. In many ways, there is little difference between December 31 of the old new and January 1 of the new year. One could say that in the northern hemisphere the sun overcomes the darkness of the winter solstice of December 21 (or thereabouts) and begins its travel northward and vice versa at the summer solstice of June 21 (or thereabouts) as darkness makes its gradual return. In the southern hemisphere these processes are reversed.
But there are definite events or milestones in life which denote new beginnings. The start of a new job or career, the celebration of a wedding of a couple and the nuptial bed and honeymoon following, or the beginning through ordination of a new ministry.
Circumcision ranks up there in the importance of new beginnings. Circumcision of a male infant in Judaism is a solemn, yet joyous occasion, during which through circumcision he is given a name and made a 'ben berith', a son of the Covenant. In many traditional Muslim societies, boys are circumcised as adolescents and thus assume adult responsibilities religiously and socially. It is then when many circumcised adolescent boys enter marriage and become sexually active.
Of course, here in the USA and other developed countries from the late nineteenth through much of the twentieth century, infant boys were RIC'ed, receiving a 'routine infant circumcision' as neonatals and thus do not remember the experience of their circumcision. I certainly do not remember my RIC :-) But many boys, teenagers, and adult men who are circumcised do have vivid memories of this event, especially they receive local anesthesia and are alert during the procedure. For them, it is one of the most memorable days of their lives.
Among older males in the years of vivid consciousness following infancy, the memory of circumcision lingers and most likely is reinforced during the weeks when their newly circed, retooled penis heal. For older males, be they teenagers or adult men, who are sexually active in masturbation and coitus, this time is not only a period of healing, but also rediscovery in what their retooled penises can do for them and their sexual partners in terms of sexual pleasure.
Now I had a spiritual insight when I arrived for Mattins (Morning Prayer) at my parish church yesterday morning just before Mass yesterday. The celebrant was reading a selection from one of the Apostle Paul's Epistles on putting off the foreskin of the heart through circumcision. For me, that was my celebration of New Year's Day, through putting off the old and taking on the new.
St Paul spiritualized circumcision so that Gentiles could become full-fledged members of the new Christian church without physical circumcision. Circumcision ultimately caused the parting of ways between the Jewish synagogue and the Christian church. For juvenile and adult male initiates into Judaism, circumcision was both a painful and bloody rite. Most Gentiles held back from this ultimate step and thus became God fearers in Jewish synagogues of the time. So a Court of Gentiles was created for them in the Second Temple in Jerusalem. All this happened before modern anesthetics and so the act of circumcision represents the utmost faith in Yahweh, the Lord God of Israel. Such faith was embodied in the life of the Patriarch Abraham who himself was circumcised at age 99.
Also it is interesting to note that circumcision ties us humans to our roots in civilization. Circumcision in many tribal societies is truly a rite of passage in which mostly teenage boys undergo a painful ordeal, again without anesthetics. But then in many traditional societies the nuptial bed is accompanied by pain and the issue of blood when the husband takes the virginity of his beloved bride. Somehow this is mirrored in which a gay guy loses his virginity, his cherry through means of his lover. To carry this train of thought even a step further, the process of giving birth in women is often fraught with pain. But underpinning all this is love and the commitment through love that carries us over to the other side.
I leave you all with a pic of a youngish guy with one of the thickest circumcised cocks I have ever seen capped by a mushroom glans. Enjoy!
Happy New Year!
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