Friday, September 28, 2007

Why I am a RIC'ed jock

Hi guys,

Despite the crisis with those frigging window blinds, I am not going to let them ruin the date tonight with my best buddy between my legs. He's just as horny I am for some serious action! Just now I slipped out of my walk shorts and only have on a pair of Munsingwear Kangaroo Pouch briefs and a new black UA Heatgear Full T-shirt. My body has been reveling in these sensations all day today and my penis has been oozing precum the last few hours before our date.

So why am I a RIC'ed jock? Well, I was circumcised as most baby boomers here in the gold, ole USA right after birth in late March 1949. I thank the American medical establishment for making routine infant circumcision (RIC) the matter of course for millions of males since the latter decades of the nineteenth century. Being RIC'ed was just as American as the American flag, the national past time baseball, and apple pie. Since the 1970's, parents have had a greater say whether their infant sons should be circumcised or not. But I count my lucky stars that I was RIC'ed and also because I took after my late dad in the RIC'ed penis department along with similar mushroom glans. Yeah!!!

So why am I RIC'ed jock? It goes back when I saw my dad's Johnson & Johnson Blue Ribbon athletic supporter for the first time hanging above our bathtub at home drying after laundering once a week in the summertime at age eleven. As I said in one or several posts of this blog, my dad was a Little League umpire in our hometown. He wore a jock as part of his uniform, although he should have worn an athletic cup too. My dad wore a men's large and the pouch of his jock was HUGE. At age eleven, I discovered that I was entering puberty with changes in my body, especially in my genitals. My penis was getting large and I was beginning to grow a pubic bush. I also experienced my first erotic erections when I bathed. I was mystified by my dad's jockstrap. It was very different from ordinary underwear because it had a three-inch wide waistband and one-inch leg straps along the poroknit mesh pouch. I knew instinctively that the pouch held and supported the penis and testicles. That is when I also knew it was a highly erotic garment. A year later I had to buy my first jockstrap for 7th grade PE. The coach said that it was a necessary part of our gym uniform. Now being RIC'ed entered intimately and powerfully when I slipped on that jock for the first time. The jock pouch not only supported firmly my penis and testicles but also the poroknit mesh pouch caress my RIC'ed glans. The sensation of this one experience sent me into delirious erotic ecstasy. Slipping on that first jock was a true sexual awakening for me as a male :-) It felt real good!

My penis loves hearing this story. He remembers the sexual excitement of that early fall day. In the weeks and months following, I replicated those erotic feelings by touching and caressing my penis and my glans. These touches and caresses rapidly turned into the serious strokes of masturbation. Then in ninth grade one April evening before bedtime, these strokes went to an entirely new level during which the erotic feelings in my penis suffused my entire body. They grew more insistent, more intense, more sweet, until a tidal wave of sexual pleasure swept over me, and I experienced my first real orgasm and ejaculation of semen! When it happened, it was bewildering, but it felt so good and so right. In the days following that one experience, I tried to replicate that experience, and so became a dedicated masturbator.

My RIC'ed penis is reveling in these sweet memories. I am foundling him and giving him light touches and strokes. He wants so much to get down to the main course of self-sex which is the essence of masturbation, but not yet.

The athletic supporter became an the object of many of my fantasies from that time on, especially during the heady days of adolescence. I imagined the jocks of my high school wearing jockstraps and many did. So did our coaches. So did one of our high school PE coach, Coach Jacobs. He hung his jockstrap on the doorknob of his closet door in his office. Seeing his jock gave me the hornies because I imagined in my mind's eye his RIC'ed penis. Coach Jacobs was a real stud.

Jockstraps as we know them now are a product of the Gilded Age following the Civil War. It was invented in 1874 to support the genitals of male bicyclists. The company that invented the athletic supporter eventually became the BIKE Athletic Company which manufactured the archetypal jock, the BIKE no. 10 Supporter with the Bike Web Logo on the label of the jock. Boys Life Magazine, as I said in an earlier post, carried advertisements of BIKE jocks in the 1950's and 60's. I used to jack off to those ads.

Several decades after the invention of the jockstrap, athletic cups began making their appearance in the early years of the 20th century. First they were made of steel, titanium and other metals. Boxers and baseball players began wearing them. Then just after World War II with the invention of artificial rubber and plastics, the first plastic athletic cups were manufactured. They were the traditional flat variety and in those early postwar years, athletes had to put on rubber gaskets themselves. But the BIKE Web Company in the 1950's began mounting the gaskets on their cups in the initial manufacture. Tip Top Store in my hometown carried the entire BIKE line. They carried BIKE no. 10 jocks, BIKE swimmer jocks, the traditional BIKE flat cups, and even BIKE pads for wrestlers. I used to swoon with horniness when I saw these items in the front window of this store. I wanted to have an athletic cup so bad. In an earlier post, I described how I surmounted my embarrassment. The rest is history.

Now BIKE athletic about 1986 came out with the BIKE CUP no. 85 cup supporter unit. This was a banana cup with a contoured shape to conform to a guy's groin. Most cups have been of this shape since then. It is interesting to know that baseball and softball umpires have brought out similar cups, such as the Original Banana Cup and the UmpCup. They along with the BIKE CUP have served thousands or even millions of athletes in contact sports and the officials that officiate those sports.

The athletic cup by its very design was invented to contain and protect the genitals of the athlete. That is why it is so erotic. I am convinced that the best jockstraps and athletic cups are designed with the erotic dimension in mind. They not only contain and protect the male genitals, but they are comfortable to wear and to any jockhound they feel real good!

My penis is cocked and loaded with sexual desire as I type this post. I am loving him as subtly as possible, but I am delaying our actual lovemaking in going all the way.

Now there is IMHO an athletic cup which is truly archetypal in design and function. It is not well-known except to some serious athletes and jock/cup afficionados such as myself.It was designed by retired MLB great, Mark Littell, who was tired of wearing cups that didn't fit him and was concerned players who didn't wear cups when he was their coach. This cup is truly archetypal in that it has two chambers for the testicles and a chamber for the penis which you wear in the up position. It has an elongated tail which protects under the groin area. I don't think that such inventors of these products have the overt erotic in mind, but the erotic is certain underlies subtly the design of such superb products.

Of course, very few athletes these days compete naked, as the ancient Greeks did. So most athletes wear uniforms. Various athletic attire manufacturers have made athletic clothing which enhance athletic performance with comfort in mind. Under Armour with its use of microfiber fabric makes athletes look good and perform great at sport. That is what athletic competition and expression is all about. True athletics is a celebration of life and health. The true athlete in his person and performance is truly a great human being, a child of God.

That is why I am a RIC'ed jock. I am a baby boomer who has been RIC'ed. The jock side of myself is reflected in my love for jocks, cups, and Under Armour.

Now for that sweet, intense time with my penis in masturbation, going all the way to a sweet, intense orgasm and ejaculation of creamy semen!

Take care. Click on the link to bring up the NuttyBuddy Athletic Cup.

Narcissism vs. Self-love, Self-worship and Self-affirmation

Hi guys,

Perhaps those of you who love to masturbate like me have heard over the years that masturbation, besides being immoral or bad, is immature or infantile. I know for my own experience when I discovered the glories of masturbation as an adolescent that my mother and my physician tried to lay these guilt trips on me. Such guilt nearly undid me physically then. But deep down inside, I felt that masturbation was "good" for me and that was "right".

Let me explain. In a previous post in this blog I described the guilt trip that religion lays upon guys who like to masturbate. The medical guilt trip has its origin in the theories of Sigmund Freud. It is expressed in one word, Narcissism. There are several informative wikipedia articles on Narcissism. I would have to agree that pathological narcissism is at the heart of many criminal acts. A pathological narcissist is a person totally into him/herself to exclusion of others in that such a person doesn't have any empathy or concern for other people. This is well known by criminologists and criminal profilers.

I hereby cite the definition for this word as given in Unabridged :

"nar·cis·sism /ˈnɑrsəˌsɪzɛm/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[nahr-suh-siz-em] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
"1. inordinate fascination with oneself; excessive self-love; vanity.
"2. Psychoanalysis. erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes, being a normal condition at the infantile level of personality development."

No. 2 of this definition, at least part of it, "erotic gratification derived from admiration of one's own physical or mental attributes", perhaps describes the personality of the true masturbator. When a guy masturbates he is making an intimate connection with his body in that he loves himself, worships himself, and affirms himself. But it goes even farther than that. I mean there are antecedents which leads up to a masturbation session far before. A man will care for his mind, body, and soul by proper nutrition, rest, and exercise of his mind and body. I think the ancient Greeks had it right now in the saying, "Mens sana in corpore sano", "A healthy mind in a healthy body". The ancient Greeks saw the value of a healthy diet and an athletic regimen. This aided them in their intellectual pursuits in the life of the mind. But I think it is carried over into their sexual lives in that they didn't do anything to excess.

The true masturbator, while he may have long masturbation sessions lasting several hours or even a day on occasion, realizes that there are limits. The limits are programmed in our bodies so that the penis naturally knows limits for masturbation. Of course, today we have recreational drugs such as crystal meth or ecstacy which enhance the intensity and duration of sex, but which are highly addictive and have a corrosive affect on the mind and body. The true masturbator resorts to natural means for his sexual expression, and that means limits built into his body.

All the same, a guy into masturbation, who is in touch with his body and certainly his penis, his testicles, his prostate, and subsidiary sexual apparatus will achieve ecstasy in self-love, self-worship, and self-affirmation as given in the title of this blog posting.

Take care.

Those Fucking Window Blinds & The Autumn Climacteric

Hi guys,

A second set of crummy window blinds came down in my kitchen about an hour ago. Once again the plastic window holders shattered. I discovered that they were manufactured in the People's Republic of China. Products from that country has been much in the news in recent months. Chinese products have gotten a bad reputation for shoddy workmanship, even dangerous for one's health. A third set in the main room of my apartment is also ready to give way. I notified building management of this. I hope they can come by on Monday to replace these three sets of blinds. I suspect summer heat in the daytime has weakened the window plastic holders :-(

Mid morning today a strong cold front passed through. It didn't produce any rain which we desperately need. By late morning, the sky had cleared. Now we have beautiful blue skies, some periods of dramatic cloud formations, brilliant sunshine, and strong, refreshing breezes from the northwest. Tomorrow and Sunday we will have ideal football weather. Fall is on the way. For some reason, I feel hornier in the fall than other times of the year. Do other guys feel this way? I am getting ready for a leisurely, sweet bate session this evening. I certainly deserve it for what I have been through lately.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Masturbation and religion, and circumcision

Hi guys,

As promised last Sunday, I would post an entry on masturbation and religion, and how circumcision enters the picture.

I believe in most cultures throughout history masturbation has been frowned upon, if not looked upon as a immature, juvenile practice or habit, something to outgrow. Most world religions either forbid or frown upon masturbation. Many devout Hindus believe that masturbation depletes the male of his seminal essence, something he can't replace. In many Christian churches, especially the Roman Catholic church, masturbation has been regarded as a grave, mortal sin. Men cannot use their penises except in the confines of heterosexual marriage, and only then for procreation. Even more so, the church over the centuries looked upon sexual pleasure as sinful. But how many mindful Catholic males from their early boyhood realize the pleasure available in masturbation?

During the latter nineteenth century here in the USA, during a time of a rigid and claustrophobic morality, remedies to masturbation were found in chastity belts which tortured the wear with even barbs on the genitals, or even surgery. Then the "enlightened" medical establishment of that time began focusing upon circumcision as a remedy to
deaden the erotic sensation found in an foreskin surrounded glans. They began the practice of routine infant circumcision (RIC) to lessen the incidence of masturbation in young males. Of course, in many instances, including the writer of this piece, guys continued to masturbate and derive exquisite pleasure in the practice.

Like so many baby boomers, I was RIC'ed as a neonatal. I first became conscious of my RIC'ed penis at age five. That is when I became aware of the circumcised penises of my dad and my two brothers. We were all RIC'ed. I am sure most of my late dad's contemporaries in his generation were all RIC'ed. I inherited my dad's physique; his love of music, nature, and in later years, sports; and especially his circumcised penis, complete with a plump, mushroom glans. My dad was also a devout churchman. I also inherited his religious and mystical temperament.

At the same time, at age five, I began having crushes on goodlooking males, mostly older males, but also even schoolmates. First it was the furnace man who serviced our furnace once a year. He had a sexuality that was irresistible. Then it was hunky male teachers in the public schools of my hometown, and especially the athletic coaches. They all stoked the fires of sexual yearning in me for them. I bet they were all circumcised. And I am sure many of them loved jacking off and beating their circumcised meat.

But all this happened in the 1950's and part of the 1960's, when American life was clean cut and freshly scrubbed. And yet, many guys masturbated even in those years.

In recent decades, RIC is not practiced as universally as it had been in the 1940's, 50's, and 60's. But in this metropolitan area which has a large college and university undergraduate population, it is easy to run across some stunning college guys, such as what happened on my way home tonight from work. There was a stunning college guy which arrested my gaze. I purposely sat behind him on the bus. I think he was about age 20 and had a lithe, athletic body, clean shaven, with a full head of dirty-blond hair. He was wearing a red men's medium Under Armour Heatgear sleeveless shirt. Just looking at him with UA shirt on made me melt with sexual desire. I betcha he too was RIC'ed, since he was a typical Anglo like me. Often when I beat my meat, guys like him come to mind.

Take care

P.S. Circumcision does not "cure" the tendency in males to masturbate. I am living proof a RIC'ed guy who discovered early in love erotic touches and caresses to light the fire of sexual passion "down there" :-)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Horniness and Sexual Vasocongestion

Hi guys,

As I do most Sundays, I wake up early, usually around 6 or 6:30 a.m. Today was no exception and I quickly bathed and shaved and went to church. (Yes, I do go to church). Today is the first day of autumn and while the temps here are still summery, fortunately we have low humidity, ingredients for football weather. Both Washington Redskins and Nationals have games today. The sun rose as a orangish red ball of fire!

There is another fire. It is the fire of sexual energy that healthy males have in their loins most days. Most males from puberty on experience morning erections. Morning erections are caused by super abundance of testosterone in males in the early morning hours. It is usually in those hours before sunrise that many males have erotic dreams, some of them turning in wet dreams resulting in emission of semen. But in most cases, a guy may wake with a hardon or a boner, which may be throbbing with sexual promise. That is how I felt when I came to as the sky was brightening with the approaching sunrise. Well, the needs of my best buddy had to be deferred with religious obligations that come on Sundays.

But any red blooded male, even if he has many demands in his life, whether it be with his career, family, religious organization, or even athletic team or sport (both Pro and amateur), cannot neglect his sexual desires or urges which comprise the state of horniness. Most guys, especially if they are adults, defer the sweetness of horniness to when he can spend with his sexual partner or himself. Horniness, sexual desire, only increases, becomes more urgent, becomes sweeter throughout the day or even more so throughout the week, to when he can't stand it any longer. Then that time of sexual congress with his partner through coitus or himself in masturbation is indeed a sweet time of communion. He may be so horny at that time he lubes a steady stream of precum before actual coitus.

The ancient Greeks had three words for 'love'. They are philia, love that is found in friendships; agape, altruistic, self-giving love, which they considered the highest form of love; and eros, erotic love found in sexual congress. Erotic love is sexual love, physical love expressed through our bodies either in sexual congress, that is the heart of coitus, fucking, or physical love of one's self which is the heart of masturbation. The Good Lord created the three types of love for us humans. Unfortunately, we humans through our societal mores tend to consider the free exercise of eros as shameful. Yes, there are the constraints of lawful marriage and sex in private behind closed and locked doors. But such shame is often so pervasive that it is the cause of serious sexual dysfunction.

Horniness in its most noticeable form is represented in the sexual vasocongestion of the male genitals. A guy then will have a throbbing erection that will not go away. If he hasn't had sexual activity for several days or a week, his seminal vesicles, prostate, and ancillary organs will be engorged with seminal fluids demanding release. This condition adds fuel to sexual passion, but the experienced lover of his significant other or himself will seek control in the sexual act which brings all to a shattering climax.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Cabela's Cover Guy: Is he RIC'ed, Circumcised?

Hi guys,

I am enjoying a quiet Saturday afternoon here at home, a welcome respite from the hurly burly of my workplace, a prominent academic research library in our nation's capital. I live a mere fifteen blocks from it in a tony neighborhood which gives it its name. Like libraries everywhere these days it is in the maelstrom of change.

In another fourteen hours it will be Sunday morning here. Fall will officially arrive. But it is definitely summer today. I donned Under Armour, actually a smart royal blue UA Heatgear Full T-shirt, along with a pair of walk shorts early at sunrise for my early Saturday morning jaunt here in Georgetown. Under Armour!!! Yeah!!! UA microfibre feels so good against your body!!! Soft, silky, sensuous!!! Yeah!!!

Right now I am mostly naked in my fairly warm apartment with nothing on, except a white pair of Under Armour Core Vent Compression Shorts. Love how the compression fit contains so well my abs, waist, thighs, and groin! Love how the mesh pouch supports well my best male assets!! Yeah!!!

Both the web sites for Under Armour HQ near Baltimore, MD and Cabela's have models wearing UA attire. Under Armour HQ models are mostly in their 20's through 40's. Both Anglo and African American studs at that web site have good looks and brawny sex appeal. I betcha the overwhelming majority are circumcised. Cabela's has generally All-American Anglo baby boomer variety. I am attaching the URL to the Cabela's site. The model wearing Under Armour there is in his 40's or early 50's. He is muscle bound, has gray hair and a thick 'stache, a real daddy, perhaps married with children, my type. I betcha he is RIC'ed like me. One of the salesmen at Cabela's told me last me last fall that the model is actually a Cabela's employee and that he had played in the NFL in earlier years. Wish I could get it on with him for some serious mansex with him plowing my butt.

Just click on the thin, rectangular box at the top of the page to bring up his pic.

Take care.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday night date

Hi guys,

As in the previous post, I haven't masturbated in a good week. Actually duties and even intrigues in my workplace during the past week prevented me from acting upon the urge to jack off. But the sweet time of intimacy with my penis has arrived! I have donned a pair of black Under Armour Core Vent Compression shorts. Under Armour!!! Yeah!!!! I love how the UA microfibre mesh pouch caresses both my cockshaft and glans.

Right now I am engaged in foreplay. My penis is in a state of anticipation. Every touch, every caress is sweet. My penis is throbbing in excitement. He clearly is happy at such attention. It's been so long that my glans is being to ooze out precum. As I continue to stroke, it feels better and better.

Now the serious stroking begins--rapid firm strokes. Slow strokes, firm caresses. It all feels so good!!! I am now beating my meet to one of my favorite models, Alex Wilcox. Alex has such a beautiful circumcision and a shiny, plump glans.

It's enough to drive me over the edge which I did just now, pumping out a thick load. Such a beautiful, sweet release, thus putting out of mind worries of the past week.

Take care.

A man and his penis--End of work week

Hi guys,

It has been almost a week since I masturbated. It's been a grueling week. I am so glad it is over. Most guys come away exhausted, beaten up by their jobs late Friday afternoon. Sex is farthest from their minds. But then there is the weekend. Glory Hallelujah!

An early Friday evening drink, dinner out, maybe a movie with his S.O. and he is in business. Most guys celebrate the evening with sex, coitus, or if the guy is single, maybe some masturbation.

But then he may just relax. Enjoy a quiet Friday evening, lounge around either watching TV, or reading a book, or, as in my case, on his PC, surfing the web. It is in those quiet times, when he is either partly clad, or buck naked, that a guy just enjoys himself or his body, even his genitals in repose.

He may come away refreshed and have a special intimate time with his best buddy and his bros between his legs in masturbation. Let's celebrate!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Irrepressible & Ejaculatory Inevitability


Hi guys,

I tried to post an entry around 8 a.m. Friday morning. My seminal vesicles and prostate were fully loaded then. I was utterly surprised because I had a "short" masturbation session about the same time of day even though I had an appointment out later.

Irrepressible is how I describes a guy's sexual urge. The male, more so than the female, is more apt to have sexual urges. Males are fully wired for this type of rampant sexual energy which is centered in his groin, but which suffuses his entire body. The male by virtue of his sexual equipment was created to penetrate the vagina of the female with his penis. Vagina means sheath in Latin, a perfect receptacle for the penis. A man by virtue of their physique is apt to fuck the female with pelvic thrusts and then achieve orgasm and ejaculation of his semen at the cervix of the woman. The Good Lord created this arrangement for the propagation of the species. An experienced male lover woos the female, gets her hot through foreplay. Then he engages in a leisurely fuck during he brings her to heights of orgasm, over and over again, while he delays his own until he knows she is fully satisfied before he presses to his own orgasm and ejaculation of semen.

Irrepressible is how I also describe a guy's penis. A guy may have a demanding work-a-day life and demands of wife and children. It may be a little simpler for single, unattached guys. But many guys in modern American society are stressed out don't have much energy or time for sex, much less masturbation. But a guy's penis is charged with energy. That is what happens with a guy is horny as shown in the pics above.

Early Friday morning, my RIC'ed penis was insistent. He wanted some loving. So I gave it to him. We had a quickie and he ejaculated a load of thick semen. Surprisingly in less than eighteen hours he is rearing to go again. So I'll give him some sweet loving.

I have been riding the edge of ejaculatory inevitability for nearly two hours now. I have been teasing my glans and reveling in the sweet feelings of the bate.

JackinWorld Science Corner gives a good explanation of ejaculatory inevitability:

"For the male, orgasm almost always includes ejaculation, which occurs in two distinct stages: emission and expulsion. Emission occurs when semen collects in an upper part of the urethra known as the urethral bulb. As more semen collects in the urethral bulb, he develops the feeling he is about to ejaculate. This feeling is known as ejaculatory inevitability and usually lasts for 2 to 3 seconds. This is the "point of no return" — the man cannot be stopped from having the orgasm at this point. Expulsion, the second stage, involves rhythmic contractions of the muscles around the base of the penis and anus. These muscular contractions cause the semen to be propelled down the urethra and out of the body. There are normally 4 to 5 rhythmic contractions that occur at 0.8-second intervals, with the first ones being the strongest and most intense. During orgasm in both males and females the heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate all reach peak levels. Both males and females also release a hormone known as oxytocin from their posterior pituitary glands. This hormone is believed to help strengthen the pelvic-muscle contractions associated with orgasm."

But a lot of guys through edging learn how ride "ejaculatory inevitabilty" for as long as possible before slipping over to a shattering climax and powerful ejaculation of semen!

Take care.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sunday morning jack off

Hi guys,

I had a rough week last week trying to stay out of trouble at work. And I am afraid more of the same this week. But I am ripe for picking by the organization that so much wants to hire me. Here's hoping it the transition to a better work life happens speedily!!!

Hence all day yesterday Saturday I stayed away from the Net to regroup myself.

Gee, I haven't made love to my RIC'ed penis since last Saturday evening a week ago, and I haven't gone all the way to a sweet orgasm and ejaculation of creamy semen. Maybe it will happen this morning. I can't dilly dally though because I have an appointment out later this morning.

Even though guys have rough job, perhaps issues at home, as I said several times already, a man's penis is his best friend. Everyday his best buddy nudges him, says hi in many ways. A guy invariably feels his penis in his underwear (if he doesn't freeball) in his pants. The glans especially sends out tinges of pleasure even when the penis is asleep and flaccid. Or he may get an erection or a boner or a woody, for all sorts of reasons. But most days he may awake to a morning erection. Many guys if they lounge in bed may fondle their tool and the two bros, tease their glans. Playing with yourself is fun and pleasurable. That is enough to lead to a serious masturbation session, or if it is the weekend, sex with your partner, if he/she is available.

For me, my sexual fire is often ignited when I log on to the Internet. This morning it was an e-mail from a good jockbuddy in Wyoming. We have a common passion for jockstraps, athletic cups, Under Armour (yeah!!!), and other types of sports gear and attire. Also guaranteed to light my fire are pics of hundreds of circumcised penises on Google Circumcised_guys and Nigel's, Circum.Aussie's Circumcised Beauty blog.

As I am typing this blog, I am riding the edge of ejaculatory inevitability. It has been days that I have denied myself of the pleasures of masturbation. The missile between my legs is erect, fueled, and ready for launching. My gun is loaded and cocked.

Afterword: Almost after writing the above comments, I climaxed and "shot" a pleasurable load of cum!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Steady date on a Saturday night

Hi guys,

Couples generally have serious dates on Saturday nights. That is when work responsibilities are furthest from people's minds. So couples are able to give quality time to each other in a serious date, during which romance and smooching may take place. Serious couples may engage in foreplay which may lead to actual sex. Teenage couples may very well engage in petting which may inflame the boy and girl "to go all the way", though our society generally frowns on this. Married couples within bonds or even the solace of marriage are much more fortunate. They may kiss and caress in public, but generally the actual foreplay and main course of coitus, fucking is saved for the bedroom generally. This is true for many gay couples, especially those in a committed relationship.

A man and his penis, especially if he is older and on his own, has the same fortune as married couples. He may have sexual thoughts throughout the day or be in a state of horniness. But generally the older, experienced masturbator will save such intimacy with his best buddy in his bedroom. That is much better because there is little risk involved, like masturbating in public or engaging in risky oral sex in public mens rooms, such as happened to Senator Craig of Idaho, when he was caught solliciting for oral sex by a plainclothes police office in a men's room in Minneapolis National Airport on June 11 of this year. My thoughts on such behavior is this: Such risky sex has a sexual charge to it, particularly if being busted or arrested is possible. I certainly do not want to have an arrest record or being placed on the national sex offenders list!

My penis is not interested at all in Senator Craig's arrest. My penis is much interested in our serious date tonight. He has waited perhaps over a week, and so have I. It is such a sweet time of reunion. Let the loving begin.

This blog entry is devoted to a blow-by-blow description of our date:

He is stirring right now, aching in anticipation and my glans is moist with precum at its meatus. My penis is short and thick, glans flared, raring to go. Right now I am viewing pics of baseball and football players. That often adds fuel to the sexual fire in my loins. I am stroking and caressing lightly my penis in this state, teasing my glans all the same.

Now I am grasping lightly penis just underneath my glans and with my forefinger and thumb squeezing repeatedly my glans. It feels so good. A pearl of precum is oozing from my cumslit and my penis pulses. Now I am spreading the precum all over my glans with my thumb.

Seeing models with their cocks in arousal is enough to get more serious into my bate. But I am taking my time tonight.

I love it when I stroke slowly and more insistently how my penis responds. He wants more loving.

After an intermission of four-five hours, I am back at it again. Both me and my penis began falling asleep. So I took a break and took a leak in the bathroom. I returned and visited the Jock Zone, the chatroom of allkink's web site. For almost a year, I couldn't access the room, but a Java update enabled me to login.

Afterward written early Sunday evening:

My date last night fizzled. Maybe later on tonight

Second afterward written late Friday night/early Saturday mornning nearly two weeks later:

Sent out earlier tonight seven job applications. My RIC'ed penis and I are celebrating. I am wearing a forest green Under Armour HeatGear Full T-shirt with hunter orange UA logo and a pair of white UA Core Vent Compression shorts. Feels real good!

Sweet memories

Hi guys,

It is mid morning, Saturday on Labor Day Weekend, here in DC. We have today delightful late summertime weather with comfortable temps, blue skies, and low humidity. It is nearly three weeks away from the autumnal equinox. September has arrived and so have the college students for the fall semester at area universities.

I am fully clothed, ready to go out to run an important errand, namely pay my annual ISP membership. RCN's offices are within a comfortable walking distance from my apartment. I am wearing a pair of khaki walking shorts and a forest green Under Armour Heatgear Loose T-shirt. Under Armour!!! Yeah! That brand is guaranteed to light the fires of horniness in my loins, because hot guys from their youth to their old age wear that brand. Every time I don Under Armour I feel young, vigorous, and virile. Under Armour and activities like masturbation remind me in many ways that I am capable of surmounting life's challenges, including women in positions of authority in the world's workplaces.

But enough of such worries, especially the women! They will be dealt with at the proper time. Please forgive me of my overweening misogyny. Even though I seem to these women a milk toasty male, one to run rough shod over, I too am a red-blooded man. A man with an active penis and gonads fully wired and loaded, complete irrepressible testosterone, Glory Hallelujah!!!

Every man as he ages into middle age is constantly reminded happy times with his penis and two bros between his legs. Many of these memories go back to the earliest years of his boyhood, especially the glory days of his puberty and adolescence, when he discovers his rapidly changing and maturing body. These memories continue into his vigorous 20's and 30's. Mid-life crisis in his 40's causes a man to realize his mortality and his limitations. But if he remains healthy, his penis will nudge him in many ways each day and during each work day. Like so many men in their 40's or 50's, I have many responsibilities and worries, not to mention the adversarial environment of my workplace full of intrigue. The sexual hormones in my body accumulate to the extent that erotic thoughts and horniness occupy my consciousness, especially on weekends, when I am far away from my workplace.

The memories and those thoughts take over then. It is very easy each day to see beautiful specimens of masculinity. College students especially if they are upperclassmen, have a maturity that is irresistible. If they are Anglos, then many of them are circumcised. Mostly every workday, I wait for the bus outside the 7-Eleven in my neighborhood. There I encounter many blue-collar guys and tradesmen, who exhibit a raw masculinity, even though many of them may be flabby or out of shape. Such guys who turn me on there are white guys from the burbs or beyond the Beltway. Again many of them I bet are circumcised.

So these and other thoughts permeate my thoughts even on workdays when a masturbation session is not possible. But I save them up for a serious date with my best buddy generally on a Saturday.