Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Holidays & Vacation

Hi guys,

My last post for 2007 was on December 21. I can't believe that the weeks have flown by so fast. Now we are in 2008, early Sunday morning, January 6 to be precise, the Feast of the Epiphany, the end of the Twelve Days of Christmas. I can't believe that I didn't even masturbate for three weeks!!! I did go to church some, but since I am single and unattached with no family nearby, my holidays in recent years have been quiet times. I did go to church several times, even to a funeral in Philadelphia with a friend on December 28. That was a day long affair. Sunday was also a long day with my walking close to eight miles running errands going to several meetings during that cloudy, dreary, and rainy day. Somehow those days wore down my resistance. I came down with a fierce cold and sore throat on New Year's morning. I even had to miss a day from work so as not to infect my supervisor and other people in my office with my cold. Jacking off was furthest from my mind during my sickness the last several days.

Most guys don't take vacation from sex generally. But it does happen, especially in our frenetic society. With my yearly annual evaluation at work beginning, I am not sure if I will be posting much in this blog for the next six to eight weeks.

Take care.

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