Friday, September 28, 2007

Those Fucking Window Blinds & The Autumn Climacteric

Hi guys,

A second set of crummy window blinds came down in my kitchen about an hour ago. Once again the plastic window holders shattered. I discovered that they were manufactured in the People's Republic of China. Products from that country has been much in the news in recent months. Chinese products have gotten a bad reputation for shoddy workmanship, even dangerous for one's health. A third set in the main room of my apartment is also ready to give way. I notified building management of this. I hope they can come by on Monday to replace these three sets of blinds. I suspect summer heat in the daytime has weakened the window plastic holders :-(

Mid morning today a strong cold front passed through. It didn't produce any rain which we desperately need. By late morning, the sky had cleared. Now we have beautiful blue skies, some periods of dramatic cloud formations, brilliant sunshine, and strong, refreshing breezes from the northwest. Tomorrow and Sunday we will have ideal football weather. Fall is on the way. For some reason, I feel hornier in the fall than other times of the year. Do other guys feel this way? I am getting ready for a leisurely, sweet bate session this evening. I certainly deserve it for what I have been through lately.

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