Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trinity Sunday

Hi guys,

I was able to lay aside my horniness and my RIC'ed penis for some hours this morning. The appointment to which I allude was attendance at low mass at my parish church. Yup, even devoted masturbators and guys who love to fuck do go to church or synagogue or mosque on days of congregational meeting. Today is Trinity Sunday which many churches observe celebrating belief in the triune God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Although I have lots going on at work these days, I go to church, perhaps grudgingly or out of habit, but after attending Sunday mass, I am always glad I did. The parish priests deliver most Sundays good sermons, which help me get through the coming work week.

It has been said often that we human beings are comprised of body, soul, and spirit. Without belaboring the point, I wish to say that most people take care of their bodies, souls, and spirit. Doing such enables one to enjoy good health. It is my firm belief, brought out through years of experience, that healthy sexual function unites in a profound, dynamic union one's body, soul, and spirit. Damn, I have been so horny lately, that this afternoon I am hunkering down to leisurely, yet determined masturbation session.

Take care.

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